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Boston’s Animal Chaplain Offers Pet Grief Workshops

Many of us know the pain and sorrow of losing a beloved pet. And sometimes it can be hard to know how to process this loss.

But what if there were a way for you to process your own grief, and also explore how you might become someone other people could turn to?

We have good news:

Boston’s very own Credentialed Pet Grief Counselor, Animal Chaplain, and director of the non-profit organization Animal Talks, Inc., the Reverend Kaleel Sakakeeny, is accepting open enrollment for Pet Grief And Loss Workshops – and you can choose a day and time that work for you.

Rev K. conducts these two, 1.5-hour live Zoom Workshops for anyone with a sincere and compassionate desire to understand the great depth of the animal-human bond of love. You’ll explore the paths of healing and reconciling the profound grief and sorrow the death of a beloved animal companion has on the mind and body. And we never forget the joy that love has brought us!

These Workshops are the first two steps leading to Pet Grief and Loss Counselor Certification for those who see this work as their calling and mission, or would like to explore that possibility. You can also use the Workshops for independent study and growth if you’re interested in learning about the profound nature of pet grief and loss.

–WORKSHOP I, Writing Your Story: Open Admission, choose your time

–WORKSHOP II, Sharing Your Story: Open Admission, choose your time

Cost: $200 for both Workshops; $125 for one

Please email Animal Talks, Inc. to sign up, and please provide three dates and times you’re able to take the Workshop(s), along with your time zone.

You can download a full course description here.

To register or if you have questions, email Rev K at [email protected], or Thembala at [email protected]

Animal Talks is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal charity


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