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Staying in Touch & Finding Lost Pets: Facebook Community Pages, Part VII

Even if you’re not a Facebook fan, here’s a reason to take a look: Many cities and towns have local, citizen-run pages where people post neighborhood information and engage with each other.

Topics on these pages include current civic and local events and new housing developments. You’ll also see people looking for healthcare providers, good coffee, Girl Scout cookies, movers, painters, plumbers, tailors, restaurants, lost personal items, and schools. And lost pets. It looks like lots of cats and dogs are slipping out of the house while nobody’s looking.

Here are pages for Everett, Revere and Malden. We’ll keep adding more, and send us your recommendations!

(To protect us all from viruses, we’re including direct links to each page you can cut and paste vs. clicking on the link.)


Everett Animal Control – find and report lost pets on this page which has over 3,300 members

City of Everett – over 7,500 people follow the official page of Everett to keep up to date on news and events in their home town

Remember the day back in Everett, MA – over 2,100 people share memories of growing up and/or living in Everett on this private page


ALL ABOUT MALDEN – this is a private group for Malden residents, with about 3,200 current members

City of Malden (Official) – over 13,300 people are members of this group, which is the official page of Malden and offers news and alerts to residents

Malden MA yardsale – this private group enables over 10,000 Malden residents to by and sell goods


Revere, MA Local  – this group with nearly 2,000 members calls itself a local hub for all things Revere

Revere Yard Sale – this private group with over 2,600 members is an easy way for Revere residents to buy and sell goods

City of Revere/Revere 311 – over 8,500 people belong to this group, which is the official Revere page for news and alerts

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