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Staying in Touch & Finding Lost Pets: Facebook Community Pages, Part V

Even if you’re not a Facebook fan, here’s a reason to take a look: Many cities and towns have local, citizen-run pages where people post neighborhood information and engage with each other. In addition to topics like current civic and local events you’ll see people looking for healthcare providers, good coffee, Girl Scout cookies, movers, painters, plumbers, tailors, restaurants, lost personal items, and schools. And lost pets. It looks like lots of cats and dogs slip out while nobody’s looking. Cities and towns also host official town or city pages where you can get updates on topics including meetings, elections, public health, schools and community events.

Here are pages for people in Quincy, Hingham and Braintree. We’ll keep adding more, and send us your recommendations!

(To protect us all from viruses, we’re including direct links to each page you can cut and paste vs. clicking on the link.)

Quincy, Ma Happenings & Events – This community page with over 14,000 members is for people in and around Quincy who are looking for things to do – community, music,  classes, events, sports, political events, school, etc.

Quincy Is EVERYTHING – There are 23,000 members of this group who come together online to share memories and stories of Quincy. It’s also a source for events and news.

Everything Quincy – Over 6,800 members share and ask for information and ideas about all things Quincy and beyond.

City of Quincy – Nearly 10,000 people follow this page, which is the official page of the city.

Hingham Discussion Board – In this private group, if someone wants to start a discussion, they just start a new thread. The person who starts the thread is the moderator.

Hingham Patch – This 2,400 member group aims to make people’s lives better by providing quick and easy access to the local news and information. It’s a resource for what they call “hyperlocal” news, alerts, discussion and events.

Town of Hingham – Over 2,300 people follow the official page of the Town.

Everything Braintree Massachusetts – Over 10,000 members use Everything Braintree to help improve the quality of life and vitality of the town. The page administrators encourage fun, informative posts on area restaurants, businesses, recommendations, local history, parks and more that make Braintree a great place to live.

Braintree MA, the greatest town – This is a group for people who live in, or who have lived in Braintree. The 4,700 member group invites people to post memories past, present and future.

Town of Braintree – This is the official page of the Town of Braintree, where you can find out what’s happening from the Mayor’s office. There are over 2,200 members.

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