Even if you’re not a Facebook fan, here’s a reason to take a look: Many cities and towns have local, citizen-run pages where people post neighborhood information and engage with each other. Most of these pages prohibit promoting a business, so it’s really about knowing what’s happening in the community and sharing news and opinions. That’s especially helpful in these days of social distancing and closed businesses all around us.
Here are pages for people in Dedham, Hyde Park, Newton and Norwood. We’ll add more, and send us your recommendations!
(To protect us all from viruses, we’re including direct links to each page you can cut and paste vs. clicking on the link.)
Dedham Connection has nearly 2,900 members talking about community events and info https://www.facebook.com/groups/515625945238591
Dedham Dog has members 69 members and is a place for dog owners to share information (visit Facebook and search for a dog or pet-related page for your town!) www.facebook.com/groups/778761185866953
Hyde Park, MA Neighbors has 3,100 members and focused on community www.facebook.com/groups/408765032614198
Newton What’s Happenin’ has 1,788 members discussing life in Newton www.facebook.com/groups/NewtonMaHappenings
Newton MA has 686 people and is focused on municipal events and news www.facebook.com/CityofNewtonMA
Norwood Now has 11,000 members and is an opinion group about the news and happenings in Norwood www.facebook.com/groups/norwoodnow
Norwood News and Community has over 4,300 members including people who live in or around Norwood www.facebook.com/groups/NorwoodNoHoldsBarred