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Random Thoughts: Where Are My Glasses?

When you buy transparent glasses, you can never find them. I made that mistake when I bought my new reading glasses, and now I have to put on my watching-TV glasses to find them. So far, I’ve sat on them and stepped on them. When I finally break them, the new ones will be bright red.  

As you get older, are there things you’ve decided not to do anymore, or are doing differently? A friend who’s worked out most every day for years has added regular visits to a chiropractor to her routine. Another friend who used to swim 40 laps a few times a week now swims 20 laps once a week. Luckily, I haven’t had to adapt my exercise routine because I’ve never had one. I hope Dr. Pham isn’t reading this.

But at least getting older gives you some new “outs…”

You can get out of going to things by saying you can’t drive at night and don’t like to Uber or Lyft at night. You also learn to think fast when someone tells you it’s a brunch.

If you’re reading a book and not enjoying it or watching a movie or TV show and you don’t like it, you don’t feel so bad about not finishing it. If today is your last day, why spend it reading a book or sitting through something you’re not enjoying? It’s why I almost always read the last page of a book or Google the end of a movie or series before reading or watching, even if it’s a mystery. My brother Brian used to do that, too so I’m guessing we’re not the only ones. What about you?

Many young people invite you to go ahead of them in the self-checkout line at the supermarket. In the old days I would occasionally flirt when I was late or had to go to the bathroom. Now I can just stand there, and it works the same way.

If you’re at a social event and don’t feel like talking, you can say you forgot to put in your hearing aids. If you have very short hair and they’re clearly visible and someone points that out, you can say you forgot to put in new batteries. If they offer you batteries you can smile and say you’ll be right back (you won’t be).

I noticed new lines above my upper lip today. Fun! The cream I’ve been using to prevent and soften the lines has done its job for a long time, so I can’t complain. I’ll keep using it until the tube runs out. And then I’ll buy another one.

XO Brenda

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Joan Kirschner
15 days ago

Aging brings some challenges, but some freedom. I have 3 pairs of glasses in front of me right now: one pair specifically for the computer/reading, one that is a general use progressive which I mainly wear when cooking and eating, and a cheapie pair of readers which usually lives on my night table. At least I don’t need glasses for distance anymore (a plus of aging – cataract surgery!). If I read a chapter of a book, or watch 10 minutes or so of a movie or streaming program, and don’t like it, I’m done. I have no time for more either…

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