How did Christmas sneak up on us this year? I was on the phone with someone yesterday and said I could get something done next Tuesday, and she said “uh, Brenda, that’s Christmas Eve.”
This is the first year I decorated the trees (only two this year) and mantel on Thanksgiving night. I absolutely hate doing it, searching through bags and boxes, getting on a step ladder, ornaments falling off the tree and crashing into tiny little pieces. But my mother likes it, and it is cheerful. We’ve had trees covered in crystal ornaments and figurines, trees covered in ropes of beads and pearls, trees covered in pastels, etc.
My current favorite is the Della Robbia tree in the dining room, covered in sugared fruit. It’s an even bigger pain to put up because the fruit is so fragile, but it does look pretty.
Here it is December 18 and not a fruitcake in sight. My pants thank me, but I do miss that cake studded with “jewels” that you need two hands to carry. And another reminder to my family, for whom eating is celebration and love – if you eat treats while you’re standing up, you are still eating.
This year as in every year, I will listen for sleigh bells. I’m with my cousin Denise in refusing to let go of possible magic. And it’s fun to track Santa on the NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) Santa Tracker. Click here for that wonderful interview with the Norwegian scientist who explains how Santa can deliver billions of toys in one night.
What do I want from Santa this year? Glamorous things like hospital socks, lip balm (gas heat makes your skin so dry!), hand cream, good books that will see me through the next months of short days and long nights.
And once again I will wear the “oh it’s you again” Christmas Eve ensemble of extremely vintage Ralph Lauren gold Lurex turtleneck, a gift from my beloved brother Brian, and whatever pants zip after a week of having just one cookie or so a few times a day. A small bunch will meet for lunch, and I’m looking forward to spending a couple of hours together before we all scatter, and also to my semi-annual cocktail.
I wish you and everyone you love and like a very happy, merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and bright new year.
XOXO Brenda