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We’re off to spend Thanksgiving this year in the same rooms as our families and friends, and what a treat that will be.

We wish you and everyone in your life a happy, healthy and safe holiday. Through all the joys, sorrows, anxieties, laughter, disruptions and surprises (good and bad) of the past year, here we are. No matter what the world has in store for us, we believe there’s always something for which we can be grateful. We’re very grateful for you!

And, it wouldn’t be a holiday without a poem. This year we feature Sophie Jewett.

XO The Team

The Harvest, by Sophie Jewett

Mown meadows skirt the standing wheat;
I linger, for the hay is sweet,
New-cut and curing in the sun.
Like furrows, straight, the windrows run,
Fallen, gallant ranks that tossed and bent
When, yesterday, the west wind went
A-rioting through grass and grain.
To-day no least breath stirs the plain;
Only the hot air, quivering, yields
Illusive motion to the fields
Where not the slenderest tassel swings.
Across the wheat flash sky-blue wings;
A goldfinch dangles from a tall,
Full-flowered yellow mullein; all
The world seems turning blue and gold.
Unstartled, since, even from of old,
Beauty has brought keen sense of her,
I feel the withering grasses stir;
Along the edges of the wheat,
I hear the rustle of her feet:
And yet I know the whole sea lies,
And half the earth, between our eyes.

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