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Random Thoughts: Do You Hurkle Durkle?

Recently I saw an article about something called “Hurkle Durkle,” which is what you are doing when you wake up but stay snuggled in your bed for a while. I’ve been doing that for years and had no idea it had a name.

From the morning when my mother woke me to go to my first day of Kindergarten, I have always detested getting up early. If I had realized it would be necessary most weekdays for the next 200 years, I might have run away and joined the circus. It’s not that I dislike mornings, it’s that they shouldn’t start until you’re ready.

Most mornings I wake up, try to maneuver around a cat or three shoved up against my legs (why can’t they sleep on the same side?) and snuggle up again. I use those minutes mostly to try and remember last night’s dreams and think about what has to get done that day. The Hurkle Durkle never lasts very long because very spoiled and hungry cats do not like to be kept waiting. And I am a product of New England’s Yankee/Puritan ethic after all.

We all have so many responsibilities, and they don’t decrease as we get older, they just change. Hurkle Durkle is a way for me to give myself the luxury of doing absolutely nothing for a few minutes. Our brilliant and wise Health & Wellness Editor Kathy Whelan advises us to practice self-care, so you could say I’m following Kathy’s advice.

I also take occasional evening bubble baths but have to remember to close the bathroom door because one of the cats thought it would be fun to jump in and immediately regretted her decision. It still makes me laugh.

Now that we’re in what some idiot adman called the golden years, what are you doing to pamper yourself just a little? Do you Hurkle Durkle, too? Let me know.

XO Brenda

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Debbie Katsiroubas
Debbie Katsiroubas
10 months ago

I hate early mornings too. I’d rather go to bed around 2:00 and sleep in until 10:00. I’ve not hurkle durkle before but I’m all for trying it. Debbie K. Xoxo

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