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MassArt Art Museum Opens

Please check if the museum is open before you go

Boston has a new museum! The MassArt Art Museum (MAAM) opened in February with remarkable exhibitions by contemporary artists:

Game Changers: Video Gamer & Contemporary Art – Artists from around the world use technology, virtual reality and gaming to spark dialogue about under-explored topics. Games include Tracy Fullerton’s ‘Walden’ which is a game about slowing down and enjoying nature through the eyes of Henry David Thoreau. Momo Pixel’s ‘Momoland’ and ‘Hair Nah!’ explore pop art, social commentary and black identity. MassArt Professor Juan Obando’s soccer game focuses on the art of hacking. Runs through April 19

Joana Vasconcelos: Valkyrie Mumbret – Vasconcelos is famous for her feminist sculptural work. Her massive art installation “Valkyrie Mumbet” honors Elizabeth MumBet Freeman, a slave who won her freedom in 1781 based on a line in the Massachusetts Constitution Bill of Rights which states “all men are born free and equal.”  Vasconcelos created the piece especially for the MAAM. Runs through August 1

Ghost of a Dream: Yesterday is Here – Lauren Was and Adam Eckstrom cut up 30 years of exhibition catalogs from the MassArt archive and used them to transform the lobby walls into a kaleidoscopic blast of color and design. They want the piece to create a relationship between MassArt’s past and the new future of the museum. Runs through February 28, 2021

MassArt Museum of Art
621 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Wheelchair accessible | Closed Mondays and Tuesdays | Always free!

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Sheila Hamwey
Sheila Hamwey
4 years ago

I had no idea. Will have to check it out when it’s safe to come out.

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