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Random Thoughts: Gratitude

Thanksgiving can be the start of a reflective period for a lot of people. In addition to the madness of getting ready for it and for Christmas, the longer nights draw people inward. Or maybe that’s just me. It makes me think about all the things for which I’m grateful, and do not take for granted…

My beautiful Mum is still here. Still the funniest, kindest and most all-good-things person ever. She still calls me from the first floor asking if she can get me anything while she’s out doing errands.

My brother Bud is still here, kind and generous, and good at many things like unjamming stuck storm windows and watching out for his big sister.

Most of my cousins are still here. Having relationships with people you shared a crib with is a tremendous gift. And I’m not grateful to be down to one Aunt, but I am grateful for how she makes us feel loved.

Even though we don’t know exactly what it means, my friends and I are what the kids would call ride or die. The way some people drive it could be both.

My clients are kind and decent people, which makes working a pleasure (most days).

I’ve always known what I like and what I don’t and have rarely felt the need to tap dance around it. 

Great neighbors with open doors and open toolsheds who don’t make fun of a person for not trying to reset the breaker first.

A safe roof over my head. A safe bed to sleep in. The ability and freedom to go where I want. To say what I want. For too many people, those things are a luxury beyond their reach.


What’s on your list?

And whether you spend Thanksgiving on your own, with a few people, or with a crowd, I hope you have a good day.

XO Brenda

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Susan Nashawaty
Susan Nashawaty
3 months ago

Thank you for bringing us/me into your inner sanctum filled with your love and kind loving people. Those are the ones we are grateful for. And you, my dearest, so thankful for all about you. Amen

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