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Make Your Makeup Last and Solve Mishaps!

By Beauty Editor Katrina Hess

It’s happened to most of us – our lipstick dries out in the tube, or we end up throwing it away when we know there’s more in there. Our makeup pens get clogged. We drop our compacts and the product cracks or crumbles.

But don’t worry! Here’s how you can make your makeup last and solve makeup mishaps!

Lipsticks or Tubes – Many creamy products stick on the inside walls of the tube, which shortens their lifespan. Keeping your product moist will solve this, and all it takes is a sealable plastic bag! Simply stow tubes in a bag and you’ll add a few months to their life. Use a lip brush to scoop out the walls of the tube and you’ll get several more applications. You also can put broken lipsticks in a small pot, give them a quick zap in microwave to set, and use a lip brush or your fingertip to apply. 

Makeup in a Tube –When your makeup/cream gets low, cut the tube near the opening. You’ll find 3-4 applications are left!

Click or Twist Pens – Keeping the brush clean is essential to a pen’s lifespan and keeps the pen free of pesky clumps. The best cleaning process is to wet a tissue with rubbing alcohol and wipe the pen in the direction of the bristles.

Broken Powders – Have you ever dropped your five color and watched as it crumbled to pieces? Whether brush or eyeshadow, you don’t have to throw it out. Take your product completely out of its compact and crush it into a fine powder. Put it in a small jar and voila! Now you have loose powder!

Broken Brushes – Brushes can fall apart if they are moist or wet. This happens when water gets into the ferrule (metal cap) and causes the glue to loosen. To avoid this, after washing your brushes dry them by laying them flat and keep the bristles hanging over the countertop or sink edge. This allows them to maintain their shape as they dry and keeps water from entering the barrel. If your brush has already fallen apart, simply use a waterproof glue to put it back together!

Tip: People often ask me how long makeup lasts. Liquids should last a year, dry products up to two years, and mascara about three months – especially if you use it every day.

Katrina Hess is a licensed Cosmetologist, which is rare among makeup artists. She’s a local beauty legend whose experience and expertise spans the globe. Katrina has been featured in top beauty and fashion magazines, newspapers, magazines, and TV programs. Katrina’s won Boston Magazine’s “Best of Boston Makeup Artist” 5 times, and Allure Magazine’s “Best of Best Brow Shaping” twice. At her Newbury Street salon Katrina offers unique products that are organic to high-end. Katrina volunteered for 15+ years for the American Cancer Society’s “Look Good…Feel Better” program. See how Katrina can help you maintain healthy skin and learn easy beauty routines, and much more, at

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