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Boston’s Most Haunted Places!

From the folks at US Ghost Adventures…to learn more about a spooky walking tour or pub crawl, visit them at *

Boston Common

Boston Common, America’s oldest public park, has a rich history that dates back to 1634, when it was established as a communal grazing ground for livestock. Over the centuries, it transformed from a practical space into a hub for public gatherings, political protests, and celebrations. 

Some visitors and locals report eerie sightings and sensations, particularly near where the Great Elm, or “Boston’s oldest inhabitant,” once stood. Hangings and executions took place at this local landmark for two hundred years before it fell in the winter of 1876.

Omni Parker House

The Omni Parker House, established in 1855 by Harvey Parker, is one of the city’s most iconic hotels, steeped in history and hauntings. Its legacy includes many tales of paranormal activity. Examples: Room 303, now a storage closet, was so haunted that the hotel stopped letting guests stay there, and elevators have been known to ride up and down on their own!

Granary Burying Ground

The Granary Burying Ground, established in 1660, is the final resting place of many influential figures from America’s early history. Located on Tremont Street, it holds the graves of Revolutionary War heroes including Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and John Hancock, as well as victims of the Boston Massacre.

*We don’t accept advertising or money for our posts, we just want to share our finds with you.

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4 months ago

Thnx for this 👻 I’ve heard of those and the paid tours given . Won’t catch me being scared😂😂👻👻on purpose. Looking forward to just the candy part! Happy treat day!

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